SEL co is rated 3 out of 5 in the category insurance. Read and write reviews about SEL co. - Osiguranje / Insurance - Prenos vlasništva vozila i čamaca / Change of ownership for cars and boats - Tehnički pregled vozila, skutera, motocikala / Technical overview of the cars, bikes... - Usluga registracije vozila u MUP-u / Service of registration in your name in MUP - Usluga registracije čamaca / Service of registration of boats - Servisiranje i ugradnja klima uređaja / Service and repair of the air conditions - Prodaja klima uređaja / Selling of the air conditions - Uvoz i prodaja vozila / Importing and selling cars - Prodaja kompjuterskog programa za preduzeća i agencije koje se bave uslugama registracije vozila, prenosom vlasništva, osiguranjem i tehničkim pregledom / Selling of the computer software for Registration and Insurance of the cars
Company size
1-10 employees